Summer 2012 Quarterly Meeting
July 26-27
Mason Inn, Fairfax, VA
The Summer 2012 Quarterly Meeting will allow the VACVB membership to come together to conduct business, hear from a guest speaker present on topics and issues related to the travel and tourism industry, have break out committee meetings and reports, share ideas and best practices, network, and communicate with fellow tourism professionals.
Registration Open!
Registration for individuals of DMO member organizations is $75. Allied Members may attend at no cost as a benefit of membership. To register online, please choose your registration option to the left. Click here for a downloadable registration form.
Registration includes: 1 lunch and reception on the 26th, and 1 breakfast, 1 lunch, and breaks on the 27th. Dinner on 26th will be on your own, with recommendations coming from our host CVB
Please make your hotel reservations with the Mason Inn at 703.865.5705 and provide the group code, "VACVB2012". Alternately, you may reserve your room online here. Accommodations are available for $119/night.
Mason Inn 4352 Mason Pond Drive, Fairfax, VA 22030. Tel: 703.865.5705 | Toll Free: 877-296-6695
Education Session
The Education Sessions will involve an offsite tour of a local attraction and will highlight the history
Schedule Overview
Thursday, July 26, 2012
10:00 - 11:00 AM - Board Meeting
11:00 - 12:00 PM - Dr Maggie Daniels, Ph.D.
12:00 - 12:45 PM - Rita McClenny
12:45 - 1:15 PM - Lunch (TBD)
1:15 - 4:00 PM - Mount Vernon Tour
4:30 - 6:00 PM - Hosted Reception at Paradise Springs Winery
Friday, July 27, 2012
8:00 - 9:00 AM - Breakfast
9:00 - 10:15 AM - Beau Beasley
10:30 - 11:45 AM - Norm Littler
12:00 - 2:00 PM - Lunch, Networking and VACVB Business Meeting
Schedule Details
Thursday, July 26, 2012
10:00 - 11:00 AM - Board Meeting
11:00 - 12:00 PM - Dr Maggie Daniels, Ph.D.
Associate Professor and the Academic Program Coordinator for the Tourism and Events Management program in the School of Recreation, Health and Tourism at George Mason University.
When strategically planned, tourism development can contribute to export expansion through heightened use of a destination's attractions and services by non-residents; however, unmanaged growth can result in misguided abuse of limited resources and lead to high collective costs. To maintain a competitive advantage, tourism managers and key stakeholders must protect the supply resource base while attending to the potentially competing demands of visitors, service providers, local governments and residents. Dr. Daniels will discuss her ongoing, collaborative research initiatives related to the National Mall and Memorial Parks to highlight planning processes informed by ethnographic data and visitor feedback.
Dr. Maggie Daniels is an Associate Professor and the Academic Program Coordinator for the Tourism and Events Management program in the School of Recreation, Health and Tourism at George Mason University. She has conducted extensive fieldwork in the areas of tourism planning and policy, supply resource promotion and event management as pertaining to local economic development. She partners with agencies in the Washington DC metropolitan area to assist them with event and tourism implementation and evaluation. Since 2006, Dr. Daniels has been the lead investigator on a series of collaborative studies with the National Park Service regarding the National Mall and Memorial Parks. Just a few of the media outlets that have featured her tourism and event management expertise include ABC Nightline News, MSNBC, NPR, United Press International, Fox 45 News, the Washington Post, the DC Examiner, and
12:00 - 12:45 PM - Rita McClenny - VTC Interim President and CEO
Don't miss this opportunity to hear Rita speak about the VTC's new initiatives as well as their campaigns and sweepstakes. This session qualifies for your VDP.
12:45 - 1:15 PM - Lunch (TBD)
1:15-4:00 PM -
"Re-Inventing A Classic Attraction"

The Mount Vernon Experience- See how they developed the new orientation center & education facility including the planning process, fund-raising, how they met their objectives and how their efforts were received. Learn about their ongoing efforts to keep an "old" attraction fresh and relevant to todays audience.
4:30 - 6:00 PM - Hosted Reception at:
"The Gateway to Virginia Wine Country"
Clifton, Virginia
On the way back from Mt. Vernon we will stop by the Paradise Springs winery for a reception including an interactive tour, tasting, and lite appetizers. Following the reception the bus will return our group to the hotel after which you will be free for the remainder of the evening. Shuttle service will be available to the reception from the Mason Inn for those arriving too late for the Mt. Vernon tour.
Friday, July 27, 2012
8:00 - 9:00 AM - Breakfast
9:00 - 10:15 AM -
"How to pull off an outdoor event without losing your mind in the process" and "Do outdoor writers really have anything to offer me and my town?"
Beau Beasley - Director of the Virginia Fly Fishing Festival in Waynesboro.
Don't miss this great presentation by Beau Beasley as he examines the struggles and trials of running an outdoor event and how to work with travel writers for those events.This session qualifies for your VDP.
10:30 - 11:45 AM -
"Bus Safety 101 - Why is it important to CVB's" and "Are Your Itineraries Legal?"
Norm Littler - CPCU/ARM, VP - Safety, Security & Regulatory Programs, Executive Director - Bus Industry Safety Council, ABA.
This comprehensive presentation shows us how we fit into Motorcoach Safety and our responsibilities when chartering motorcoaches. Norm Littler will share with us the importance of being aware of drivers hours, work hours and the difference between the two. He will also examine itineraries that become illegal when executed in reality in many cases. This is a great educational opportunity and a must if you are running FAMS and signing contracts with Motorcoach companies. This session qualifies for your VDP.
12:00 - 2:00 PM - Lunch, Networking & VACVB Business Meeting
Visit Fairfax
There are several events and attractions in and around Fairfax the entire summer. Take some time and make a long weekend in Fairfax by visiting the various attractions with friends or family.