AAA Sales Blitz in Greater Philadelphia

  • 11 Jan 2011
  • Greater Philadelphia


  • This type is available to those who will simply be supplying profile sheets and trinkets/gifts.
  • This registration type is for those wishing to particpate as a volunteer delivering the notebooks and who would like to submit their own information.

Registration is closed


VACVB and VTC are partnering on a Sales Blitz to AAA Offices in the Metropolitan Philadelphia area in conjuction with the American Bus Association (ABA) Marketplace going on that week in Philadelphia.

We are planning teams of people that will head out in rental cars to make visits to different AAA offices. We will deliver notebooks to each AAA office that will contain profile sheets from participating DMOs and Attractions, along with a "Virginia is for Lovers" canvas bag filled with "Goodies" supplied by the participants to be shared with the staff in each of the AAA offices that we visit.


Cost to participate will be $ 100.00 to those who are actually part of one of the two teams and $ 125.00 for DMOs, Attractions or Businesses who are simply supplying profile sheets and trinkets/gifts (we will need 12 profile sheets in plastic protective sleeves and a minimum of 12 gifts/trinkets since we will be visiting up to 12 AAA Offices.) Please register using the registration links to the left.


Participants will be responsible for shipping the necessary materials to Philadelphia to arrive (address will be provided) by Saturday, January 8, 2011. If you do not ship the materials, you must deliver them to Sergei Troubetzkoy’s room at the Hilton Garden Inn, 110 Arch Street (one of the convention hotels) in time for a 6:30 PM gathering in his hotel room to stuff the Binders with profile sheets and to stuff the canvas bags.

What will the AAA Offices receive?

►Each AAA office will receive a Resource Binder with profile sheets for each participating DMO, Attraction or business. Teams will review each binder page-by-page with the appropriate AAA staff whenever possible.

►Each AAA office will receive one or two (depending on staff size) goody bags containing items supplied by participating organizations to be shared with the staff in each office.

What will participating DMOs, Attractions & Businesses get?

►All participants will have their profile sheet included in each Resource Binder, a copy of which will be left in each office that we visit. Whenever possible, the teams will review each page of the Resource Binder with the AAA staff member(s) with whom they meet….not simply their own page.

►All participants will get a report on the visits by each team so that they may follow-up on any leads.

►For those participants who actively participate, they will have their transportation to these offices included since the costs include rental vehicle expenses.

If you have any questions, please contact Sergei Troubetzkoy at 540-587-5682.

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